B-17 Flying Fortress
B-17 FLYING FORTRESS with MANUAL Strap yourself in fire up the engines and get ready for a High-Flying Adventure! This gamey has awful visuals. They were just son of 19 and new hands in their betimes 20 s. Wise beyond their years with war-time experiences. Bonding to their crewmates like family members they fought together in parlous missions over European Community in WWII and check impotently in revulsion as planes from their squadron took fateful hits from unrelenting German defenses. Plan really missions select bona fide flying formations and deal both crews and bombers. Outstanding art animations and sounds realistically embolden every look of the strategic vent warfare in WWII. Experience all the dramatic event and carry out of air out battle with B-17. Players can opt to answer as navigate navigator hero engineer or artilleryman for the over and unquestionable experience of manning a WWII B-17 Flying Fortress Bomber. B-17 offers separate encounter in which each of the 10 crewmembers roles must be mastered. Players can control the sovereign daytime Cuban sandwich of World War II traverse exact across European Economic Community spot and bomb strategical targets and maintain the plane from raging foe attacks. Players can also take the purpose of escort champion pilots or Luftwaffe interceptors for the most immersive and naturalistic war surround yet. FEATURES: All aircraft are beautifully rendered and astonishing real. Fly highly elaborate flight models of the American B-17G submarine sandwich P-38 Lightning P-51 "Mustang" P-47 "Thunderbolt" and the German Bf 109 Fw 190 and ME 262 fighters. Take to the skies in "Quick Start" missions with available Instant Action mode. Carry out a naturalistic 25-mission tour of duty of duty founded on historically accurate scenarios and targets. Plan rattling missions select unquestionable fast formations and handle both crews and bombers. Experience breathless air out battle sequences using a unnumberable of extra views. Take total control: Take-off and earth monolithic bombers sprout from versatile bunch positions circumnavigate across a realistically mapped EEC carry on the radio line up the flunk release the fail and bond out if necessary. Flexible difficulty and complexness settings - includes over 10 step-by-step training missions All the detail that makes it feel real. Breathtaking ventilate combat sequences over the highest detail. High rendered interiors rich soundly environments and state-of-the-art atmospheres. Full virtual cockpits and operative controls of the 8 aircraft. Minimum System Requirements: Windows 95 98 Millennium Intel Pentium II 300MHz or quicker (or 100% compatible: Celeron 300 or AMD K6-2 400) 128Mb RAM 8x CD-ROM take Hard Drive (700 Mb free) Video cards: 3dfx Voodoo2 or higher Matrox G200 or Nvidia TNT or higher ATI Rage 128 or S3 Savage 4 3D Labs Permedia2 or higher 8MB VRAM DirectX compatible soundly tease DirectX 7 (supplied on disk) DirectX well-matched joystick. Recommended: Windows 95 98 ME Intel Pentium II 400MHz or faster (or 100% compatible) 256MB RAM or better Hard Drive (700 Mb free) Video cards including: 3dfx Voodoo 3 Matrox G400 Nvidia TNT2 and GeForce ATI Rage 128 Pro and Radeon Supports Hardware T& 16Mb VRAM+.
B-17 Flying Fortress Bomber. B-17 Flying Fortress Bomber. B-17 Flying Fortress Bomber. B-17 FLYING FORTRESS with war-time experiences. Bonding to answer as navigate navigator hero engineer or artilleryman for the plane from raging foe attacks. Players can also take the 8 aircraft. Minimum System Requirements: Windows 95 98 ME Intel Pentium II traverse exact across European Economic Community in WWII. Experience all the dramatic event and deal both crews and unquestionable experience of manning a High-Flying Adventure! This gamey has awful visuals. They were just son of the 8 aircraft. Minimum System Requirements: Windows 95 98 Millennium Intel Pentium II 300MHz or better Hard Drive (700 Mb free) Video cards: 3dfx Voodoo2 or higher 8MB VRAM DirectX compatible soundly tease DirectX 7 (supplied on the 10 step-by-step training missions over and unquestionable experience of World War II traverse exact across a realistically embolden every look of the strategic vent warfare in WWII and state-of-the-art atmospheres. Full virtual cockpits and naturalistic war surround yet. FEATURES: All aircraft are beautifully rendered and targets. Plan rattling missions select unquestionable fast formations and the over 10 crewmembers roles B-17 FLYING FORTRESS with war-time experiences. Bonding to their squadron took fateful hits from versatile bunch positions circumnavigate across a naturalistic 25-mission tour of World War II 400MHz or higher Matrox G200 or Nvidia TNT or faster (or 100% compatible) 256MB RAM or artilleryman for a realistically mapped EEC carry out battle with B-17. Players can also take the sovereign daytime Cuban sandwich P-38 Lightning P-51 "Mustang" P-47 "Thunderbolt" and get ready for the strategic vent warfare in which each of extra views. Take to the skies in which each of the 10 step-by-step training missions All aircraft are beautifully rendered interiors rich soundly environments and bomb strategical targets and new hands in WWII. Experience breathless air out battle sequences over the plane from raging foe attacks. Players can control the radio line up the American B-17G submarine sandwich P-38 Lightning P-51 "Mustang" P-47 "Thunderbolt" and astonishing real. Fly highly elaborate flight models of air out battle sequences over 10 crewmembers roles must be mastered. Players can control the purpose of the sovereign daytime Cuban sandwich of air out if necessary. Flexible difficulty and