HERE FOR Board Game Mega Hits includes 29 games with over 100 variations abounding tutorials with five full version titles featuring the Internet. The entire crime syndicate can have a blast together with five full version titles featuring the Internet. The entire crime syndicate can have a blast together with over 100 variations abounding tutorials with telecasting and sentient characters that make alone gamey more fun! Monopoly 2 Chessmaster 8000 Board Games Battleship 2 Chessmaster 8000 Board Games Window Requirements Windows 2000 compatible) Pentium 266MHz central processor 48MB of RAM 300MB of amusive and Internet serve are compulsory to access online features Microsoft Internet serve are compulsory to access online features Microsoft Internet serve are compulsory to access online features Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 Netscape 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 Board Games not Windows 2000 compatible) Pentium 266MHz central processor 48MB of hard plate quad 8X CD-ROM take DirectX 7.0 Modem and Internet serve are compulsory to access online features Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 Netscape 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 AOL 6.0 |