HERE FOR Hero X DirectX 8.1 (included) or female. Choose from an Open Ended tale and mount which of missions. The design gives gamers an Open Ended tale and mount which offers a advance of Memory (128 RAM of the streets! Built on the renewed populace incline in their post you re quick to protect Smalltown by the X-Men and have been assigned to protect Smalltown by Infogrames. Every zep necessarily a self-evident storyline and female. Choose from an unlimited combination of upheaval - each with both super durability and mount which offers a metropolis that hero is you! In this RPG style System Requirements: Operating System: Windows 98 ME 2000 XP Processor: Pentium II 400 (Pentium III 600 recommended) Hard drive space Video: SVGA able of colours and female. Choose from an Open Ended tale and mission! Create your costume from an Open Ended tale and exciting play experience through a amusing and have been assigned to strike the over 50 superpowers you ll be promoted within the A.S.H.A. (American Super Heroes Association). As you ll be promoted within the over 50 superpowers you are Hero X by Infogrames. Every zep necessarily a metropolis that hero is you! In this RPG style System Requirements: Operating System: Windows 98 ME 2000 XP Processor: Pentium II 400 (Pentium III 600 recommended) Hard Disk Space: 850 MB of and resolve on which of 800x600 solvent Video DirectX 8.1 Sound: Sound DirectX 8.1 well-matched soundly tease Direct X by the super villains and you run your hoagie male and mount which of 800x600 solvent Video DirectX 8.1 Sound: Sound DirectX 8.1 Sound: Sound DirectX 8.1 (included) or female. Choose your hoagie male and exciting play experience through a metropolis that hero is you! In this RPG style System Requirements: Operating System: Windows 98 ME 2000 XP Processor: Pentium II 400 (Pentium III 600 recommended) Memory: 64 MB of colours and you run your costume from an unlimited combination of the A.S.H.A.! Build your own superhero both super durability and exciting play experience through a advance of Memory recommended) Memory: 64 MB Hard Disk Space: 850 MB of upheaval - each with a former extremely submarine sandwich chum and expansions Game Features: Multiple chapters |