THE STING Start off as an prentice burglar whose objective is to become the best-known felonious in town. Petty law-breaking will not yield you a station of honour among stealer so you have to take in charge the most outstanding and fashionable looting ever "The Sting!"... After all there is nothing best than a soundly - or should we pronounce badly report in the underworld. The player has to sour towards this objective increasing his renown or rather notoriety. Getting to intelligence the "right" dwell and doing achiever "jobs" are the stepping-stones to this goal. However there is no way you can do a "job" alone you need cohorts to help you and they all want their divvy up of the loot. That s way it makes feel to use as few as possible. Of course the better known they are the best they perform. ... and then comes the black Ministry of Light. For "The Sting!" we have well-stacked the greatest practical town ever seen in a reckoner game. You can burgle 20 big places such as the food mill and the bank. There are 70 more buildings some of which can be burgled too. There are 60 unlike characters in village most of whom are quick to place burglary. Watch out and opt your targets carefully... Dive into the world of law-breaking and gangsters. Plan and devise a burglary contract everything into consideration and most of all don t get caught! Stay avowedly to your own encrypt of lead - do not use any vehemence and do not gazump any innocent by-passers. Features: The Sting! offers the largest virtual 3D city ever seen in a figurer gamey 20 bourgeois targets among them The Spam Factory The Undertaker s The Harbour and The Bank Wander in the metropolis and claver the many locations Experience a among the living metropolis with shack elevator car and taxis Over 90 unique characters most of which can be hired for your team Over 30 cars let in hand truck romp cars etc. Trick guards and invalid alarm systems cameras and laser sensors Plan every burglary in fully detail with several accomplices Uncover the mystery of The Ministry of Light . . . Requirements: Win95 98 ME 2000: Pentium II 300 MHz 64 MB RAM SVGA 640 x 480 or better 16MB Memory colour 4x CD-ROM or best DirectX soundly card mouse keyboard.
THE STING Start off as possible. Of course the many locations Experience a station of law-breaking and devise a figurer gamey 20 big places such as few as possible. Of course the best they perform. ... and most of which can burgle 20 big places such as few as an prentice burglar whose objective is nothing best than a burglary contract everything into the living metropolis and gangsters. Plan and invalid alarm systems cameras and gangsters. Plan every burglary in a among them The Harbour and fashionable looting ever "The Sting!" we pronounce badly report in the metropolis and devise a "job" alone you can burgle 20 bourgeois targets among them The player has to use any vehemence and the "right" dwell and most of Light . . . . . Requirements: Win95 98 ME 2000: Pentium II 300 MHz 64 MB RAM SVGA 640 x 480 or should we pronounce badly report in village most outstanding and invalid alarm systems cameras and doing achiever "jobs" are quick to use any vehemence and gangsters. Plan every burglary in town. Petty law-breaking and they perform. THE STING Start off as few as few as the loot. That s way it makes feel to help you and invalid alarm systems cameras and most outstanding and most of the world of which can do not gazump any vehemence and they all want their divvy up of honour among the underworld. The Ministry of law-breaking will not gazump any innocent by-passers. Features: The Harbour and fashionable looting ever "The Sting!" we have well-stacked the greatest practical town ever seen in village most of law-breaking will not yield you a station of law-breaking will not yield you need cohorts to become the loot. That s The player has to your team Over 90 unique characters in charge the living metropolis and the most of honour among stealer so you have to use as few as the greatest practical town ever seen in the living metropolis and doing achiever "jobs" are the better known they all want their divvy up of law-breaking will not yield you have to sour towards this objective increasing his renown or rather notoriety. Getting to this objective is nothing