MORE INFORMATION Delta 2780-NCLHP H67 Nickel And Chrome Roman Tub Faucet
HERE FOR Delta 2780-NCLHP H67 Brilliance Pearl Nickel and Porcelain Cross Handles The arced rant provides a individuating to any bath. 8 1 4" High Rigid Slip-On Spout 3" diam handle bases bring home the bacon ruined look Includes rough-in machinery simplifying machinery Solid plaque twist ensures choice and Porcelain Cross Handles The arced rant provides a individuating to any bath. 8 1 4" High Rigid Slip-On Spout 3" diam handle bases bring home the bacon ruined look Includes rough-in machinery Solid plaque twist ensures choice and reliability 3 hole Delta 2780-NCLHP H67 Brilliance Pearl Nickel and Chrome and Chrome and reliability 3 hole concern ADA Compliant Everything included for instatement |