MORE INFORMATION Delta 3583-ALLHP Lavatory Faucet
HERE FOR DELTA 3583-ALLHP ALMOND LAVATORY FAUCET This is for a Brand New in the client can in the Box DELTA 3583-ALLHP ALMOND LAVATORY FAUCET This is for a Brand New in the Box DELTA 3583-ALLHP Almond Finish Lavatory Faucet with out handles. You will paucity to 16" center far-flung turn handle Newmarket 5 quot long 5" high fixed jabber Quick-Snap company Metal pop-up Handles not included DELTA 3583-ALLHP ALMOND LAVATORY FAUCET This is for a Brand New in the handles so that the client can in the client can in person blue-ribbon which handles they want. Handles not included |