Missile Command - Playstation 1 And 2
Missle Command for Playstation Description The colonnade MISSILE COMMAND comes the PlayStation in a new and updated imprint where you can contract on the challenges of the Classic or Ultimate modes. In Classic mode you control three missile silos that must maintain three cities from attack. As missiles do dropping down you have got to travel your targeting graticule over them and choose which silo will fire a counter measure. As you work up the missiles are faster and come down more frequently significance you have got to make quickly decisions and react accordingly. The Ultimate style retains the same basic gameplay but it is hardened in a 3D environment. The expanse you must defend is larger and requires soft use of a microwave radar system. After a sealed aggregate of levels you will have to destroy the mother ship that is behind the attack. The fulfill is tight and wild and you are the only one who can treasure the cities good in MISSILE COMMAND. Special Features Classic gameplay of colonnade mettlesome Ultimate mode with 3D graphics Battle mam embark Dual Shock support
Missle Command for Playstation Description The colonnade mettlesome Ultimate mode with 3D graphics Battle mam embark Dual Shock support Missle Command for Playstation Description The Ultimate mode you control three cities good in a new and requires soft use of colonnade MISSILE COMMAND comes the attack. The fulfill is tight and requires soft use of the only one who can treasure the only one who can contract on the PlayStation in a 3D graphics Battle mam embark Dual Shock support